Marisa Gundermann-Lunai Dip. Life Coach with Excellence

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Work with Marisa

  • 1:1 Coaching

    The ideal choice if you want a personalized plan that is tailored to your goals and lifestyle.

  • Quick help

    This option is not a full coaching experience; it can be considered as a quick fix, but sometimes that’s all it takes…

  • Group coaching & workshops

    A great way to ease into coaching and start or continue your personal development journey in a group environment.

Why do you need a Life coach

Everyone can benefit from having a life coach.

Even though you might think this is a total new phenomena of the current times, this is not the case.

Coaching has been around for thousands of years, with one of the earliest form of coaching we know of reaching back to ancient Greece, when past victors started to coach new contestants to the Olympic games.

We consider coaching in sport to be completely normal and accept all successful athletes and teams to compete and succeed with a coach by their side;

The coach is there to walk alongside the athlete and to bring out the best in the person, but not the one doing the hard yards. The principal between a sports coach and a life coach is much the same.

As your life coach I am not an expert in your life and cannot tell you the answers to your problems, rather I am helping you connect to yourself, through questioning and guidance (most times this is not translated into advice).

I can help you find your own answers and gain control of your life, and just like a sports coach - bring out the best and most authentic version of yourself.

I am professionally trained to help you overcome difficulties, setbacks and hurdles, which can range from small issues like feeling stuck or unsure about the future, through to a crisis, or even trauma. Life coaching is future orientated and solution based, it is engaging and action driven.

The location:

For face to face coaching sessions I invite you to join me in my wooden garden office in Nelson, New Zealand.

Life Coaching premises Nelson